モロッコ Morroco
8日間 2016/02/19 - 2016/02/26
沒有想過人生可以踏上非洲大陸一次!帶著緊張又期待的心情坐上飛機前往摩洛哥🇲🇦我們這次大部分都待在摩洛哥的北部沒有去到首都Casa Blanca也沒去撒哈拉沙漠不過對於一個非洲初心者已經很棒了!我們總共去了3個城市,在第一個城市埃西拉我們遇到了人很好的房東,他問了我們的行程後馬上打電話給他的朋友直接讓他朋友當我們的地陪他載我們全程真的是旅途上的貴人!第二個城市是雪夫沙萬是一座藍色城市,據說當初為了防蚊所以把所有牆壁都漆成了藍色,超美的❤️這座城市也是以貓咪很多著名一路上跟好多貓咪拍照好療癒!最後一座城市是丹吉爾,是座比較繁華一點的城市但待的時間沒有很多只去看看漸層的直布羅陀海就離開了,在摩洛哥買了摩洛哥油,摩洛哥地毯和摩洛哥飾品都超美的!這次的旅程好開心❤️

Never thought that I can travel to Africa in my life once! With a exciting mood, we boarded on a plane to Morocco 🇲🇦 Most of the time we stayed in northern Morocco in this trip without going to the capital Casa Blanca or the Sahara desert, but it is already great for an African beginner! We went to 3 cities in total. In the first city, Esila, we met a very good household. After asking about our schedule, he immediately called his friend and asked him to accompany him as our guide. We are really nobles on the journey! The second city is Chevrolet, a blue city. It is said that in order to prevent mosquitoes, all the walls were painted blue. This beautiful city is also famous for its many cats. It is well-known for taking pictures with many cats along the way. ! The last city is Tangier, which is a bit more prosperous, but I didn’t spend much time just to look at the gradual sea of ​​Gibraltar and left. I bought Moroccan oil in Morocco, and Moroccan rugs and Moroccan ornaments are super beautiful! This journey is so happy ❤️